Annual Animal Care & Wellness
Twin Lakes' veterinarians are dedicated to providing a comprehensive animal care program designed to diagnose, treat or manage existing conditions as well as preventing future medical issues. Built upon a foundation of regular check-ups, preventative vaccinations, prompt medical diagnostics and treatment, and healthy nutrition, the doctors and staff at Twin Lakes will help to ensure that your pet enjoys a healthy quality of life that is second to none. It is recommended that healthy pets receive check-ups annually with blood chemistry for early detection of emerging conditions. Pets with diagnosed medical conditions may require more frequent visits. Dogs and cats can suffer from a variety of common ailments including allergies, infections, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Consistent medical care can prevent future medical problems and treat existing conditions before they become life threatening.

General Information
Vaccines are products designed to trigger protective immune responses in pets and prepare them to fight future infections from disease-causing agents. Vaccines can prevent some viral diseases altogether, or at least reduce the severity of illness after exposure. Today, a variety of vaccines are available for use by veterinarians. Most vaccines are administered via injections using a syringe and needle, while others are administered into the animal’s nose or mouth.
Pets should be vaccinated to protect them from many highly contagious and deadly diseases, especially in the first few months of life. Experts agree that widespread use of vaccines within the last century has prevented death and disease in millions of animals. If an unvaccinated pet develops one of these diseases, treatment can become very expensive and many of these diseases can be fatal despite treatment. Even though some formerly common diseases have now become uncommon, vaccination is still highly recommended because these serious disease agents continue to be present in the environment.
Very young puppies and kittens are highly susceptible to infectious diseases because their immune systems are not fully mature. While nursing, their mother’s milk contains some antibodies that provide a temporary defense, but these maternal antibodies do not last long.
Vaccinations should start at 6 weeks of age and require boosters to provide long term protection.
Not all pets should be vaccinated with all available vaccines. “Core” vaccines are recommended for most pets in a particular area because they protect from diseases most common in that area. “Non-Core” vaccines are reserved for individual pets with unique needs. Twin Lakes Pet and Bird Clinic will consider your pet’s risk of exposure to a variety of preventable diseases in order to customize a vaccination program for optimal protection throughout your pet’s life. Antibody titers can be used to determine if your pet needs booster vaccinations later in life, or if they have an autoimmune disease that should not be unnecessarily stimulated.


Rabies is a fatal disease caused by a virus that is typically spread when an infected wild animal bites another animal. In North Texas, bats, skunks, foxes and raccoons are the most commonly infected wild animals whereas dogs and cats are the most commonly infected domestic animals. Diagnosis is often difficult while an animal is alive. Symptoms include a change in behavior to a restless and excitable temperament and eventually a vicious or aggressive demeanor. As affected animals are not treatable, euthanasia is the standard result of infection. Vaccination combined with exposure prevention is the best means of rabies control. Minimizing your pets’ interaction with wild animals will greatly reduce the threat of infection. Denton County recommends yearly rabies vaccinations due to the numbers of skunks and other wild animals diagnosed with rabies in the area.

Feline Diseases vaccinated against:

Feline Leukemia Virus (FELV)
Feline Calicivirus/Rhinotracheitis/Chlamydia/Panleukopenia Virus

Canine Diseases vaccinated against:

Bordetella (Kennel Cough)

Vaccination Packages

Twin Lakes Pet and Bird Clinic provides vaccination packages for puppies and kittens!

We recommend the following vaccination schedule for puppies:

6 to 8 weeks: Combination vaccination which includes canine Distemper, Adenovirus type 2, Parainfluenza, and canine Parvovirus. (Commonly referred to as DA2PP).
10 to 12 weeks: DA2PP booster in addition to canine Leptosporosis and Bordetella (Kennel Cough) vaccination.
14 to 16 weeks: DA2PP booster, Leptospirosis booster, Bordetella booster, and Rabies vaccination. At this time puppies are put on heartworm prevention. It is important that all dogs in Texas remain on heartworm prevention all year round, as heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes and Texas has mosquitoes year round, even indoors.
We recommend the following vaccination schedule for kittens:

6 to 8 weeks: combination vaccination which includes feline viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukemia. (Commonly referred to as FVRCP)
10 to 12 weeks: FVRCP booster in addition to the feline Leukemia vaccine (note that this additional vaccination is generally recommended for cats who will be spending any time outdoors).
14 to 16 weeks: FVRCP booster, feline Leukemia vaccination booster (if received at previous visit) and Rabies vaccination.
In addition to the vaccinations, Twin Lakes Pet and Bird Clinic recommends at least two
microscopic fecal evaluations to detect the presence of gastrointestinal parasites such as
Roundworms, Hookworms, Whipworms and Coccidia protozoans.

Spay & Neuter
Due to the high number of unwanted pets going to animal shelters and the staggering euthanasia rate across the United States, the spaying and neutering of cats and dogs is a practice almost universally supported by veterinarians, humane societies and pet care professionals. In addition to the prevention of unwanted litters, benefits to spaying and neutering include the elimination of "heat cycles," a reduction in territory marking, reduced aggression, cancer reduction and prevention of reproductive tract diseases. Twin Lakes Pet & Bird Clinic can provide spaying and neutering services at almost any age and can provide medical advice on the appropriate time for a particular pet. Spaying and neutering are routine procedures and pets are sent home on the same day that surgery is performed.

Spaying your Female Dog

Spaying involves complete surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries (ovariohysterectomy). It is typically performed at about six months of age. It allows out pets to be healthier, happier, and calmer.
Once spayed, females no longer go into heat. Thus there will be no messy blood spotting around the house, no romantic males prowling your yard, and no unexpected pregnancies. One of the greatest benefits of spaying is the huge reduction in breast cancer. Breast (Mammary) cancer is the leading form of cancer in unspayed female pets. That potential can be reduced by 99% just by spaying your dog. Cancer of the uterus or ovaries does not occur in spayed females. Uterine infection (Pyometra), which can be fatal, is also prevented. Since she is no longer subject to her biological urges, a spayed female is generally calmer and more responsive to her human family. She is less likely to roam in search of a mate, where roaming is where fights, car accidents and pet loss is most likely to occur. Unplanned pregnancies are very common in females that have not been spayed. Unplanned pregnancies lead to unplanned expenses (such as extra feed bills, possible C-sections, and health care costs for the puppies) and disrupted routines (cleaning up after puppies, feeding puppies, finding new homes for them, etc.). Each year millions of unwanted dogs are euthanized at animal shelters. We must all take responsibility for this tragedy. Spaying dogs prevents the tragedy of unwanted pups. There is no emotional benefit for your pet to experience motherhood.

Neutering your Male Dog

Neutering is a simple procedure causing only minimal discomfort. It is typically performed at about six months of age and consists of complete surgical removal of the testicles. It allows our pets to be healthier, happier, and calmer.
Male dogs are far less likely to roam once they have been neutered, and they are less aggressive toward other dogs. This makes them less likely to get wounded in a dog fight, anger your neighbors or be hit by a car. Eighty percent of all dogs hit by cars are males that have not been neutered. Fewer injuries means fewer veterinary bills. Male dogs commonly develop the habit of urine marking (lifting their leg on everything they encounter). Neutering helps control urine marking. Other destructive behaviors are also reduced. Neutered dogs tend to be more responsive to their owners. They devote much less time and energy toward proving themselves, defending territory, and breeding. Their anxiety levels due to sexual frustration are also greatly reduced which makes them more content and better behaved pets. Each year millions of unwanted dogs are euthanized in animal shelters. We must all take responsibility for this tragedy. Neutering dogs prevents the tragedy of unwanted births. Many medical benefits also arise from neutering. For example, neutered dogs cannot get testicular cancer, and their risk of prostate cancer is dramatically reduced. Other diseases of the prostate are also minimized. Perineal hernias are much less likely to occur in neutered dogs.

The staff at Twin Lakes Pet and Bird Clinic is experienced in a variety of pet surgery procedures that range from basic spaying and neutering to more complicated procedures. The clinic can provide pre-op consultation as well as long-term post-op care and rehabilitation. While surgery is often the last resort in a treatment program, a complete examination and diagnosis will offer a variety of options when considering the benefits and risks of a surgical procedure. Understanding that the decision to proceed with a surgery can be a difficult choice, the staff at Twin Lakes Pet and Bird Clinic manages each surgical case with compassion and care. To limit risks during surgical procedures, Twin Lakes Pet & Bird Clinic requires IV fluids for cardiovascular support and state of the art anesthesia monitoring, along with experienced technicians monitoring your pet throughout the surgical procedure. Twin Lakes recommends pre-surgical blood chemistry evaluation to avoid anesthetic complications.

Dental/Oral Care
Proper dental care is vital to overall pet health. It is generally recommended that healthy cats and dogs receive annual oral examinations, to inspect the teeth and gums, and cleanings as needed. Problems identified during examinations could include plaque build-up, inflamed gums, and loose teeth. Dental issues can cause a pet to endure a great deal of pain and allows bacteria from the mouth to enter the circulatory system, often resulting in infections of the heart valves, kidneys and urinary bladder. Routine dental care can provide a higher-quality of life for your pet, improve their breath odor and help prevent serious health issues in the future. Dental cleanings are available for both cats and dogs. The dental cleaning process includes a pre-anesthetic exam, pre-procedural sedation and pain control, an IV catheter and fluids throughout the dental cleaning, anesthesia monitoring by a trained technician, and the actual dental procedure which consists of ultrasonic scaling, polishing. and fluoride treatment.

Twin Lakes Pet & Bird Clinic participates in Dental month every February by offering discounted dental prices!!

Post-Dental Instructions

Congratulations! Your pet has just received a professional dental cleaning from one of our trained staff members. The dental cleaning was just like a cleaning that you would get from your dentist! The cleaning includes removal of all plaque and dental tartar by the use of an ultrasonic scaler, a high-quality polishing of all the teeth, and a fluoride treatment. This dental after-care packet is designed to provide you with tips and products to help your pet maintain good dental hygiene.

Best to Brush

As with humans, the best way to maintain good dental hygiene is to brush your pet’s teeth regularly, usually once daily. We have provided you with a dental packet to do just that. The toothpaste used for dogs is highly digestible and is flavored to reduce the amount of resistance from your pet when you try to brush their teeth. Brushing all areas of the teeth is ideal, especially the large teeth in the back, which contribute up to 75% of the bacteria in the mouth! If your pet has never had his or her teeth brushed, here are some helpful tips to begin this process: Give your pet a small amount of the toothpaste a few times to introduce the taste to your pet. This will allow him or her to enjoy the taste of the product as a familiar and positive aspect of the cleaning process. Use your finger to mimic the action of the toothbrush so as not to alarm your pet by forcing a foreign object into its mouth for the first time. This will allow a much easier transition into using the toothbrush. Always praise your pet after trying new methods of dental care!

Better to Rinse

Just like Listerine and other mouthwash products, several manufacturers have developed dental rinsing products that can be added to their water. Though this is not the best oral care treatment, it is often considered for patients who are resistant to having their teeth brushed on a regular basis. Be sure to follow the directions on the label carefully . Some rinses are available that can be applied directly to your pet’s teeth and gums.

Good to Chew

There are many different type of chew toys and treats available aimed at dental care. Science Diet t/d, Greenies, Chlorhex Chews, and many other products are veterinarian approved. Even though many of these products are extremely safe, it is always best to observe your dog while they are chewing, to make sure that they are chewing appropriately and not eating large chunks of the treat.
Dental and oral health of dogs and cats does not only affect the mouth and teeth, it affects many other organ systems such as the liver, kidneys, and even the heart. Maintaining good oral hygiene is key to providing your pet a long and healthy life.

Exotic Animal Care

Please contact DFW Wildlife Coalition for all your wildlife concerns.


Twin Lakes Pet and Bird Clinic also handles avian (bird) care including physical examinations, fecal examination for parasites, yeast and abnormal bacteria, blood tests, wing, nail, and beak trimming, and nutrition evaluation. A bird may not appear sick on a physical exam, but may have a hidden illness. Birds are instinctively programmed to hide signs of illness to avoid targeting by predators. External symptoms of lethargy, drooping wings, decreased vocalizations and fluffed feathers usually aren't seen until a bird is extremely ill. Blood screens will help to determine whether or not your bird has any underlying diseases. Stool samples will check for the presence of parasites and provide bacterial evaluation. Swabs of the throat, crop (where he stores food), and cloaca (where his excretions pass) may also be taken for various tests. A test for psittacosis, a serious bacterial disease that is also contagious to humans, and testing for other viruses may also be conducted. It is recommended that birds have annual health checks or more frequently if illness occurs or disease symptoms are present. We do not routinely vaccinate our pet birds.


Twin Lakes’ Veterinarians are equipped to treat a variety of reptiles and amphibians including but not limited to bearded dragons, iguanas, snakes, turtles, tortoises, gecko, chameleons, frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders. Recommended treatment includes initial examination with discussion of nutritional and environmental needs for the species, annual check-ups with routine deworming and blood work as needed.


Twin Lakes’ Veterinarians also treat a variety of mammals including but not limited to guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, mice, rats, chinchillas, sugar gliders, hedgehogs, ferrets, and pigs.

Proper nutrition is one of the most important aspects of responsible pet care. It is also often one of the most neglected. Twin Lakes Pet and Bird Clinic can provide a comprehensive consultation regarding your pet’s nutritional needs. Twin Lakes Pet and Bird Clinic carries Hill’s Science Diet and Royal Canin prescription diets and limited ingredient diets (for food allergies).

In order to provide your pet with the most immediate, most accurate care, we offer in house diagnostics that can be completed during your appointment. Blood work, ex-rays, urinalysis, fecal testing, and microscopic analysis can help us provide better preventative and supportive care. We recommend yearly fecal testing, heart worm testing, and blood work for all pets. Should your pet need additional testing, we work with local laboratories to get results as quickly as possible.

Regular grooming can greatly enhance the quality of life for the pet and the pet owner. Twin Lakes has three capable groomers at our two locations with convenient scheduling options for your needs. Our grooming team has more than 35 years experience! Within our clinic building our groomer Melinda is available Monday through Friday, with drop off times between 8 and 8:30 a.m. At our adjacent building at Twin Lakes Pet Resort & Spa our groomers Carrie and Gail are available for both dog and cat grooming Monday through Saturday from 9 to 4:30. Drop off at Twin Lakes Pet Resort & Spa is according to appointment time. Twin Lakes Pet Resort & Spa also offers after hours appointments for special needs pets.

Pets must be up to date on vaccinations, especially bordatella (kennel cough) before coming in for grooming services. Bordatella is needed every six months.

Basic services include shampoo massage and blow dry, nail trimming, ear cleaning, expressing anal glands, brushing, haircuts, and tooth brushing. Prices vary according to the breed of dog and condition of the coat.

Call either of our locations today for an appointment or a quote!

Twin Lakes Pet and Bird Clinic offers a caring, safe, and healthy boarding environment that includes high quality meals, regular exercise, and individual play time in the clinic’s large, fenced-in back yard. Your pets' particular food can be given if provided.

Boarding fees are based on size/weight and are charged per night per animal. If you would like to have your pets housed together during their stay, we will gladly accommodate this request when possible with original fees applied per night per animal.

All pets must be up to date on their vaccinations before boarding with us. Pets who are due for vaccinations near the time of boarding must have had them administered 1 week before boarding with us. It is the responsibility of the owner to make sure we have your pet's vaccination records before the time of admission.

Please note that if your pet requires medication, there is an additional medication administration fee.

We also have boarding available at Twin Lakes Pet Resort & Spa next door which has 4 x 5 foot runs that can accommodate large dogs and multiple dogs that board together. There are premium runs with glass doors and regular runs with iron fenced doors. Call to reserve your pet's vacation today!